Sage Advice
Hi, my name is Sage. I am a team USA athlete and a previous World Champion. I am 19 years old and have had diabetes for 16 years now. I travel around the world about 11 months out of the year and train two to three times everyday. My biggest advice to diabetics is follow your dreams no matter what. There will be times when your blood sugars will be really high or really low and you'll want to curl up in a ball and quit, but when that happens you need to dig deep, get back up, and keep going. You will always regret giving up more than trying. Also if anyone has any questions about travel, or training, or anything else feel free to hit me up! I also just want to say thank you so much, the necklaces have brought me so much peace of mind. they are so easy to carry around when I'm in the water or running. When I'm in the middle of no where having something that works so well when I'm low is amazing and I'm really grateful to be a part of such a great company. Thank you for all the support.